If you are looking to work over the summer or school year, internships are always a good idea. On Internships.com, you can look for high school and college internships. The minimum grade level for this is 9th grade and the age is at least 15 years of age.

There are internships for the summer and the school year if you are looking to work or keep yourself busy. There are many internships that you can get paid for and find experience in the career field that you want to be part of, this could also look good on a resume if you plan to work in the job career that your internship was part of. But you have to search carefully and thoroughly. Keep in mind that if you need help writing your resume, there are resume templates and samples on the website above.

If you want to sign up for an internship on the website directly, first you need to make an account or sign into an existing account. After you sign up or log in, you need to complete your resume and upload it to the site so employers can consider you for the job. When you are completing your resume, the things you will need to have are: your objective, skills, experience, and education. For a lot of internships, they will perform background checks on you so the employers can know if you would be good for their company or not. You would also need to include travel experience, interests in sports, and any training you have had in the past and present.

There are also thousands of different internships you could choose from that could be part of your interest in a future career. The following internships that you could apply for could be art, design, publishing, public health, writing, wildlife, film, radio, theater, and etc. Find the one that interests you and go for it.