Khan Academy, created by Salman Khan, is a website where students and everyone can access to receive help with all educational subjects. Khan Academy goes over a variety of subjects and follows a step by step process that helps the students learn independently.

Anyone has access to the courses on Khan Academy and can learn anything from Khan Academy. All of the courses on Khan Academy are free and anyone can join no matter the age or grade. There are also hundreds of different courses on Khan Academy that anyone could do with the step by step process that Khan Academy provides for all of their courses. The courses can vary from simple first grade math to computer programing.

In the computer programing courses, Khan Academy instructors teach steps on how to program a computer in several different types of programs. Some of these computer programs include Java, C++, etc. The courses also help the learner understand computer programing by giving them a hands on experience through projects.

These courses could help benefit anyone in a STEM career because most of those careers rely on computer programing, especially in engineering. It may take a student weeks or even months until they can finish the courses in computer programing, but it all depends on how much work and effort they put into them.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to gain any college credit from Khan Academy, but it can still help the student understand the basics for their career. If they plan to go to a college for engineering, their knowledge of computer programming could make them more attractive on college or job applications.