Author: Elizabeth Eyeson

Vroom! Accelerating Into Automotive Design

Automotive designers, also known as car designers typically seek to enhance the functionality and aesthetical aspects of a car. From the exterior lights to subtle edges and curves of the body, car designers play a critical role in fusing transportation with art. The medium salary for a car designer is $67,130. The expected 10-year growth rate for a career in car design is expected to be 2%. However multiple factors such as the rise of electric, driverless and public vehicles could lead to a drastic change in the type of a design needs in the transportation industries. Some skills...

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The Future of Food

Food is something that has brought together and divided humanity for thousands of years. From obesity crises to conflict driven famines, food has immense economic, political and ecological repercussions. The most pressing of these issues are a booming global population and a planet that is nearing severe biological and environmental damage due to climate change. It is predicted that by 2050, the world population will grow to be around 9 billion. The current methods used to produce food today will not be sustainable for such a population at the expense of over exploitation and consumption of resources. However, with...

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The Internship Investment

  In addition to the numerous extracurricular activities, classes and searching for colleges and scholarships, something that may be brought up throughout your high school and eventual college careers are internships. At first glance, you may dismiss internships as boring or entry-level “busy work”, but internships can be valuable in terms of developing and improving soft skills, providing financial incentive if available as well as exposing you to real-world applications of your interests or college major. A useful source for obtaining internships information is the Emma Bowen Foundation. Named after Emma L. Bowen, a community activist who dedicated herself to obtain...

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Sell Your Skills! Resume Guidance For Opportunity Seekers

When high school and college rolls around, the ability to write a strong resume is necessary. Whether it is a summer job or an internship, resumes are essential for your attractiveness to employers. This document provides employers with insight on the character, skills, accomplishments and experiences of the applicant. When starting a resume, it is crucial to keep organization and readability in mind. A resume does not need to be an epic anthology of your life, but a concise summary of important traits that make the applicant in question stand out amongst the hundreds or thousands plus job or...

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